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Writer's pictureClarence Bongalos

Mask Policy Update

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Recently, the California Physical Therapy Association released new guidelines pertaining to outpatient clinics as it relates to COVID-19, clarifying that outpatient physical, speech, and occupational therapy facilities are no longer part of the statewide mandate for continued indoor masking, which applies only for high-risk medical facilities. After careful consideration, and in accordance with these guidelines, we have made the decision to make masks optional while in our facilities, regardless of vaccination status, beginning on Monday, May 2, 2022. As we work through this transition, however, we ask that you continue to adhere to our current policy and wear masks during your visits through Friday, April 29th.

Your Comfort Matters As always, we strive to provide our patients with the best experience possible, providing an environment where everyone can thrive during their recovery.

  1. If you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, we encourage you to do so. You may request your therapist, and any other team member working with you, to wear a mask during your sessions. We simply ask that you call in advance and we will be happy to note your chart for all future visits.

  2. All other safety protocols such as social distancing, sanitization, and ventilation are still strictly in place and will be followed with diligence.

  3. For patients with high-risk concerns, we will do our best to make accommodations where possible so long as you communicate with us in advance.

A Reminder to Be Kind While this policy change was made in accordance with guidelines from multiple governing bodies, and in consideration of our community's best interests, we understand that there may be some concerns or reservations about this change and we respect differing perspectives. We strongly ask that you continue to be kind and respectful to our team as we strive to continue to give you the greatest quality of care that we can provide. In Health, Your Rehab United Family

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